Effie's Food Corner

Step into my kitchen!

Apfelschorle July 14, 2011

Apfelschorle is a popular beverage in Germany, which I had the pleasure of tasting for the first time when I was there in May. The word “Apfelschorle” basically means carbonated apple juice and is a healthier alternative to other carbonated drinks, which are packed with sugar and additives. This is just pure fruit juice and sparkling water. It’s absolutely delicious and refreshing..Perfect for those hot summer days!

(makes 2 liters/2 quarts)


1 l (1 qt) sparkling water
1 l (1 qt) apple juice

1. Pour the juice and sparkling water into a large pitcher.
2. Stir to mix.
3. Pour into glasses garnished with apple wedges (Why? Well, because it looks pretty :)) and add ice if you want.

(Tip: You can even make schorle with other fruit juices…Just substitute the apple juice with your favorite fruit juice and voilà!)


Apricot Sunshine Smoothie July 12, 2011

Feeling a little drained? A glass of this smoothie will pick you right up and give you the energy you need! The sweet flavor of ripe apricots and bananas mixed with the tanginess of orange-pineapple juice…It truly is like drinking a glass of sunshine!

(4 servings)


2 bananas (broken into chunks)
4-5 ripe apricots (peeled and cut into wedges)
5 dl (2 c) orange-pineapple juice

1. Put ingredients in a blender or food processor and cover.
2. Blend on high speed until smooth.
3. Garnish with apricot wedges and serve immediately.

(Tip: A teaspoon or two of honey can be added for a sweeter smoothie.)


Melonberry Smoothie July 9, 2011

Summertime is here and that means fun in the sun, but when the heat gets to be too much, you need a refreshing drink to cool you off! This drink will definitely do the trick..A tall glass of this smoothie made with juicy watermelon and sweet strawberries is something that I can’t resist on a hot summer day..and you won’t be able to either! 🙂

(4 servings)


1 kg (2.2 lbs) watermelon cubed and seeded (weight with rind: 2 kg/4.4 lbs)
15-20 fresh or frozen strawberries

1. Put watermelon in a blender or food processor and cover.
2. Blend on high speed until smooth.
3. Add strawberries and blend until smooth.
4. Serve immediately.

(Tip: This smoothie is naturally sweet, but if you want it even sweeter, add a teaspoon or two of honey.)


Kiwi-nana-berry Smoothie April 11, 2011

Smoothies are the perfect way of getting more fruit into your diet…They’re packed with vitamins and minerals and there are so many different smoothies you can make…  This particular smoothie is the perfect combination of sweet and tangy! The riper the banana and kiwi, the sweeter the smoothie!  If you like your smoothies sweeter, a little honey will do the trick!  Enjoy!

(2 servings)


1 banana (broken into chunks)
6 small kiwis (peeled and cut into smaller pieces)
2 clementines (squeezed)
10-15 small strawberries (fresh or frozen)

1. Put ingredients in a blender or food processor and cover.
2. Blend on high speed until smooth.
3. Garnish with a slice of kiwi and serve immediately.

(Tip: For a sweeter smoothie, add a teaspoon or two of honey.)


Tropical Fantasy Smoothie March 8, 2011

I love smoothies…They are so refreshing and healthy too! (well, ok, it depends on the smoothie..If you add alcohol, sugar, or ice cream…not so healthy.. 😉 ) I live in Sweden and the winters here are long, cold and dark so I’m really longing for spring and summer!  I can’t wait so I’ve been drinking a lot of smoothies lately and daydreaming about warmer weather.  So here’s a wonderful smoothie that will have you shining like the sun! Enjoy!

(2 servings)

1 banana (broken into chunks)
1 mango (cubed)
2 oranges (squeezed)
2 clementines (squeezed)

1. Put ingredients in a blender or food processor and cover.
2. Blend on high speed until smooth.
3. Garnish with an orange slice and serve immediately.

(Tip: This smoothie is naturally sweet, but a teaspoon or two of honey can be added for even more sweetness.)

(Tip 2: If you don’t have fresh oranges or clementines, you can use 3 dl (1¼ c) orange juice from concentrate instead.)


Frozen Berry Delight Smoothie March 3, 2011

(4 servings)

5 dl (2 c) plain low-fat yoghurt
1 banana
2.5 dl (1 c) frozen strawberries
2 dl (¾ c) frozen blackberries
1.25 dl (½ c) frozen blueberries
1.25 dl (½ c) frozen raspberries

1. Put ingredients in a blender or food processor and cover.
2. Blend on high speed until smooth.
3. Garnish with fresh or frozen berries and serve immediately.

(Tip: For a sweeter smoothie, add a teaspoon or two of honey.)